
Voted Today

Well, I went to vote first thing in the morning. There were two questions on the ballot, neither one of them worth anything. The stadium questions #1 and #2 were the only thing at my polling place (other places have school boards and other elections on their ballots). I, of course, voted 'no' because I think that teams that profit in the 10's of millions, but haven't had a rent increase in 30 years don't merit $500 million of taxpayer money. For a very balanced viewpoint on the stadium questions check out this link. I saw on Tony's KC Blog this link. Which has my favorite quote on the whole thing:

"It galls me to think that a minimum wage worker buying store-label soup at an inner-city grocery store will be subsidizing an SUV-driving Johnson Countian who thinks he believes in self-reliance."

HA! Too right! Of course, it also pisses me off that the pro-tax crowd thinks that we're so gullible to the idea that the teams will leave that we'll do anything to keep them here. I say, I wouldn't mind if they'd tried to bribe the city; maybe with lower ticket prices or, say, (in the case of the Royals) a winning season or (in the case of the Chiefs) a team that wouldn't fall apart under pressure and lose easy games. But this blackmail crap is for the birds. The public deserves better, especially from a city that seems to support them wholeheartedly.


At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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