Pragmatism At Last

There's an article in the New Republic yesterday that I thought was among the most informative and hopeful reads I've had in a while. It describes the policy-making wing of Obama's campaign. People who aren't ideologues or partisans, who are more interested in purity of thought or (worse), winning in a struggle against the other party; but people who are complete pragmatists. Thinkers who are most interested in what solutions work, what steps that would make the most benefit for the most people. It's not the most exciting thing a candidate ever had, but it so perfectly meshes with Obama's soaring rhetoric. He talks in speeches about bringing people together, well, I think that most people don't care about who's winning, they care about making their lives easier, and pragmatism is the ultimate way to go about that. I'm an Obama person, but I can see how some people would have trouble with him. They think there might be no there there. This article, however, gives me a lot of, yes, Hope (TM) for what a President Obama would be able to propose and get accomplished.
G. said he patted his Michelle on the booty when exiting stage after an "I'm the nominee, boo-ha!" speech. What now? : )
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