The Bear Cub and other Cuteness
You might have heard of this guy. Knut, the polar bear cub who lost his mother and lives at the Berlin Zoo. Here's the latest picture of him. He's sitting next to some jerk:

He's cute, there's no doubt of that, but that's him when he's little. He's going to get bigger and then he'll be a killing machine. Let's turn to Stephen Colbert. Since he's put bears on notice, he won't be seduced by the insane cuteness of the bear cub:
Damn! Even he can't stand the insane cuteness that is this bear cub! Well, I can counteract that with the cutest dog that ever lived. How will the bear cub deal with this:
Now that's my cute dog sitting in the sun. Since it's so cold here in April (!) he's looking for the most heat. I should get him a black pillow to absorb all the heat. Of course, since global warming is going to make it unbearably (heh) hot soon, let's enjoy the cold while we can.
Speaking of global warming, the latest Time has an article that discusses 51 things you can do to combat global warming, with an index on each one that tells its immediacy, impact and feel-good factor. #1? "Turn Food into Fuel" Ethanol made from things like food waste, corn husks, wood pulp and municipal waste. Strange, but I thought that this was happening already. I know that biomass was supposed to be one of the ways we could make energy back when I was in junior high. I remember reading about it in the Weekly Reader. I miss that publication, although I did suffer one of my greatest humiliations of junior high at its hands. Or rather, pages. I couldn't pronounce "Ueberroth". Awful, I can still hear the boys in the class shouting it at me. Of course, now I know he was a jerk and a failed politician, so I don't feel so bad. Also it's been twenty years. You'd think that'd be enough.
what's a Ueberroth, dang it?
i still distinctly remember a gradeschool moment when a kid, not popular, smart i bet, but kept it to himself, deliberately pronounced "unique" as "uni-kquu-ii." probably in a sex ed class.
the polar bear, is he the first in captivity? the russians, they have so little to celebrate, eh? i love how the bear is posing with models.
and how in our country, where they are being melted out of house and home, we hate them.
they are, after all, killing machines.
oh, to have been born in a time and place (and class) in which there was no guilt, only pride and warm feet, for having a dead white skin bear on your floor.
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