

For your comments on that last, looong post. It was a bit of a struggle to write and I realized that I was giving a lot away on what is essentially a public forum, but it seemed important at the time. I'll just have to post a lot more often to put that very, ahem, revealing post into the archive.

So, here's an update: when I got home the day I was going to deliver the letter I had a small confrontation. She was going West and I was going East on the same street. We faced off at the stop sign, since I was turning and she had no turn signal I waited for her to go. She just sat there and we waited for a while. Finally I just turned left with the intention of backing into the space that we argued over. Well, I had to wait as cars were going down the street and I couldn't get through the intersection backwards. She, on the other hand, went the wrong way down a one-way, turned around and parked in the spot. She, of course, didn't leave enough room for two cars, so I had to park in a less desireable spot. Oh well, it's 15 extra steps to the front door.

By the time I had parked and was out of my car she was already inside her house. I put the letter in her mailbox and walked to my house. Then the weekend happened and I put it out of my mind. Of course, I did see her scraping her walk (with a car scraper) on Sunday. She did the section between her front steps and where she wants to park. And not well, it's still ice-covered. Nothing else, even though she's got about 50 additional feet to scrape. She gave me a dirty look as I was bringing in the groceries. I guess my efforts have failed.

Of course this week I've been able to park in the spot at will. I think she's out of town so there's no struggle. We'll see what happens when she gets back and will try to park there. I've done my bit for peace. If she wants to struggle and be a pain the ass, let her. We'll play it like the Law of the Jungle, and I've got lion blood in me!

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At 6:01 PM, Blogger Applecart T. said...

what a biotch!
it's completely seinfeldian, but unlike george, you will prevail!

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first day I moved into a townhouse on the Westside of KCMO, I was accosted by my neighbor two doors down who yelled at us about parking in "her" spot. Granted, a lot of cars were parked in front of the houses, but it was a public street and they were helping me move. Never mind that each townhouse had an attached two-car garage and a parking lot in the rear of the townhomes with at least thirty spaces. Even if she had parked at the very end of the street, she may have had to walk half a block to get to her door! My friends and I just looked at her like she was crazy and laughed! I felt a bit vindicated when my next-door neighbor told me that she had just returned from rehab. Good luck!


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