Our Dumb Leader
I won't call this a political blog because it's not primarily about politics, but I do have an interest in current events. I read quite a few newspapers each day because of my job, so I like to think that I'm reasonably well-informed. At least, more so than the average American, who gets the news from god knows where since so many people are willing to believe in things like creationism, despite the evidence to the contrary. Maybe they hear it all in bars.

Like I said, this isn't a political blog, but I just read something that's so scary-idiotic that I have to comment here. Our president has decided that the best way to get the Iranians to give up their nuclear program is to refuse to rule out attacking them with nuclear weapons. So, the way our leader has decided to prevent nuclear spread is to threaten to use them again. It just seems like when people decided to vote for this alleged leader Bush, they forgot that one of the primary things we should have in a leader is intelligence. I don't think Bush has any conception of what would happen after he used nuclear weapons on Iran. I can imagine that he thinks that after the bomb is dropped the Iranians suddenly see the error of their ways, rather than, as is incredibly more probably, the entire Muslim world arises in fury and plunges the world into a nightmare of collapse.
There's nothing wrong with negotiating with Iran closely. I think we should be over there talking and get them to stop their nuclear program. It's in our interest to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of religious fundamentalists. But threatening Iran before the talking begins only hardens every position and makes it more difficult to achieve our goals. Actually using nuclear weaponsgives the Muslim world its very own "date which will live in infamy". Let us sieze the moral high ground and use our nuclear arsenal in an intelligent way, a way which gives us the advantage. A way that puts the Iranians in a place where they want to give up the weapons. Of course, that'll take intelligence. Maybe someone can keep President Bush busy for a week or two and the adults in the White House can take care of this. Get that man an XBox 360!
i concur.
one note: i think it's important to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of all religious fundamentalists.
the "american people," who are paying $3 for gas, made that blunder once by electing an oil man to the house-of-white.
and he only learned how to pronounce it recently.
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