Four-Day Delay
I can't believe that it's been so long since I've done any kind of updating to this thing. It's been a busy few days. Let's start with the weekend, shall we?
We had rehearsal for "Fools" at Olathe Community Theatre on Friday. The show had two acts and we ran the 2nd act twice that night. I got several notes that I wasn't doing the character to the director's approval. It was very frustrating that I wasn't able to get it, but I also think that some of the criticism wasn't warranted. Two differing visions of the character, I suppose. It was very hard to deal with, and I walked out of rehearsal not feeling very confident. That's happened a lot with this show and it may just be that I don't have a handle on this character as opposed to some others that I've played, or it may be that it's been so long since I've done a show that I'm completely rusty, or, and this is the worst, maybe I'm just creatively dried out on acting.
That's a scary thing to say because performing is something I very much enjoy, but this show hasn't been an exceptional experience. I'm hoping that as the rehearsal period comes to an end and we're able to get in front of an audience that the whole experience will change. I just don't know.
Saturday afternoon was our poker tournament. It lasted a fairly long time, from about 12:15 to 5:00 PM. I finished 2nd and increased my standings in our tournament points totals. I'm now leading due to my two first place finishes and my two second place finishes. The next tournament will be #15 and the last under the old points regime. We'll crown a winner and start everyone over at zero points. If I can beat the 2nd place person I'll walk away with the funny hat of victory! I also found out who is posting to this blog as Tall David. My apologies for not realzing who you were. Thanks for the tip about Mentos and soda, we tried it and it worked pretty well. I've got an idea for a loader that I think will get the whole package into the bottle quickly: rolled-up paper. I'm going to try it soon.
Sunday was another busy day, a birthday celebration at the Westport Flea Market. That place is hard to describe to people. I don't really enjoy the food there, but I sure do enjoy the atomosphere. I love to go there because they have my favorite beer on tap, some of my favorite bands on the jukebox and the best bar game ever invented: shuffleboard. If I ever had the desire to open a bar, I'd like it to be something like that place.
That night was rehearsal again and it was another frustrating time. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good things about this show. Tricia is hilarious in it, as is Bob Hart and the lead. If I weren't in it, I'm sure that I'd go see it. It could be as simple as a lack of confidence on my part that makes these rehearsals so difficult for me. Tonight we're going back to the 2nd act. I hope it'll be much better for me, and excellent for everyone involved.